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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Ultimate Blog Party 2014

Ultimate Blog Party 2014
Welcome to my main blog, "Living for God"! My name is Urailak. I have been blogging since 2006. I love God and I desire to do everything (including blogging) for His glory and for His kingdom. Here I sometimes post about my deep thoughts and not-so-deep thoughts :), my living-for-God experiences, my Bible study notes, and occasionally, I post reviews of God-honoring books, CDs, or DVDs. This month, I'm participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge (#blogboost) and the A to Z Challenge (#atozchallenge). I also have 2 other blogs: Fruitbearers (I'm currently hosting a book giveaway there) and My Father's World (my photo blog).

Random things about me: I'm a joyful person who smiles all the time :). I collect quotes and devotionals. Jesus is my Best Friend and my husband is my closest friend. I'm a night owl (my brain works best at night). I am certain that I have the sweetest husband in the whole world. I am a grace-filled perfectionist and a realistic optimist. Sometimes, I get on a Haiku mode for days. My favorite thing to do in the world is introducing people to my favorite Person in the world, Jesus.

Thanks for stopping by! If you'd like to know me/my blog better, please pick a post (or two :)) from My Favorite Posts (on my sidebar) to read. Enjoy the 2014 Ultimate Blog Party! Hope you'll come back and visit again!

You can also connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.

Here's my party favor for you (you're welcome to save it and print it out if you like).


  1. I just read that quote from Jonathan Edwards that you have on your banner in a book we are reading in our ladies' Bible study called "The Pursuit of Holiness." I, too, am participating in the A to Z challenge and the UBP. I have two blogs, my personal one and my business one.

  2. I love the quote you have in your banner! I'm visiting from #UBP14 and am looking forward to exploring your blog. Blessings!
    Tina @


Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you're leaving me a comment :). I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again. Although I may not know you, I love you with the love of the Lord. And of course, He loves you very much!