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Friday, May 23, 2014

How Can You Pray for Them?

"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

"Let us pray! Our life is praying;
Prayer with time alone may cease:
Then in heaven, God's will obeying,
Life is praise and perfect peace.

~Charles Spurgeon

It is so important for us to live a life of prayer, enjoying a constant intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. We should always remember to pray not only for our own needs or our loved ones but also for others, especially the lost, the unreached, and the needy. I really appreciate these 2 following links (provided by Gospel for Asia) where you can find prayer needs/requests so you'll know how to pray for different ministries and countries.
Please pray for the Vacation Bible School ministry in South Asia. Please pray that many (children, their parents, people in their villages) will be touched by Christ's love and the Good News of salvation.


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