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Monday, June 23, 2014

Christ Died for Us

- "The right time" refers to the appointed time in God's redemption plan. At just the right time, Christ undid what Adam did.
- We were powerless/helpless to save ourselves. We all need a Savior to rescue us.
- Christ died for the ungodly. "Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick....For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'" (Matthew 9:12, 13b) He died for all the sin-sick souls. Some people wrongly believe that they have to clean up their acts first before they can surrender their lives to Christ. They have it backwards. We must surrender our lives to Christ first and the Holy Spirit will sanctify us.
- This is how God demonstrates His own love for us: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. God went to extreme measures to reveal His love for us. While we were still living (but dead) in sin and rebellion, God of all creation stepped out of Heaven and gave His life for ours. Jesus took the punishment that we deserve so that we may gain forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life with Him. Christ's love is grounded in God's pure grace and does not depend on any inherent worthiness found in us, but on His own desire to give it. A perfect Savior died for wicked sinners. Inconceivable! He died instead of us. He died on behalf of us. He died so that we may live.
- This is indeed amazing love! Unconditional love. Sacrificial love. Selfless love. Redeeming love. Measureless love. Eternal love. If you ever want to know how much you've been loved, just look to the cross of Christ. What Christ did on the cross was the ultimate proof of God's utmost love for us. God loves us in spite of our sins, failures, mistakes, etc. God doesn’t love us because we are lovable but because God is Love (that's who He is) and He is always loving. When you feel unloved, try meditating on the above verses. Remember how God shows His great love for you and consider how generous He has been with you. I hope you all will be able to comprehend "how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge." (Ephesians 3:18b, 19a). You're so very loved by GOD, the Creator of the universe....enough for Him to die for!

"When you love the unloving, you get a glimpse of what God does for you." ~ Max Lucado

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