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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

God Rejoices over Me!

- God's presence is the best Present! It sounds like a cliche but it's true. His presence makes all the difference in the world! Emmanuel = God with us! God's Word often mentions about God's presence (For the Lord your God is with you) when commanding us not to fear or be afraid. God's got our back. His presence gives us courage and comfort and gives us the reason to press on.
- The Lord is the Mighty Warrior Who saves. He is mighty to save. Rest in His power! Nothing is impossible with God. What a mighty God we serve!
- God takes great delight in us! He creates us for His pleasure; He desires to have an intimate relationship with us. He is glad when we come to Him and spend time with Him. He loves loving us! Imagine that. "Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings." (Psalm 17:8)
- In His love, God will no longer rebuke us, but He will rejoice over us with singing. His love will calm all our fears and will quiet our soul. "There is no fear in love! But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment." (1 John 4:18a) God loves us so much that He sings over us with joy. How incredible it is! What heights and depths of love! We are so dear to Christ! Jesus is singing over us His bride. Isn't that sweet? When my husband composed a special song for me and played the piano & sang to me, it melted my heart :). When you get discouraged, please remember that God is cheering for you; God is always for you and with you. Rest secure in His love! You've never been unloved!

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