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Monday, June 2, 2014

Never Alone!

- O how sweet the omnipresence of God is to my soul! God's presence makes all the difference in the world! We are never alone. God is always present even when we don't feel His presence. No matter what we do or where we go, we can never be far from God's comforting presence. God is with us through every situation and every trial--loving, sustaining, and guiding us. "The omnipresence of God--gracious antidote to every earthly sorrow!" (John MacDuff) He is above us, around us, with us, and within us. My life is in God's hand; there's nowhere else I'd rather be! In God's presence, I find joy and strength, comfort and courage, help and hope. "Surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age!" ~Jesus (Matthew 28:20b)

- This passage
made me think of the movie and song, "Alone Yet Not Alone". The song is beautifully sung by Joni Eareckson Tada and was nominated for Oscar but got rescinded.
The movie is based on the book with the same title, Alone Yet Not Alone by Tracy Leininger Craven. The book was based on a true story that took place in the author's own family. It's about steadfast faith in God that sustained 2 sisters who were captured and separated by the Indians during the French and Indian War. I have never read the book but I really like the following poem (which someone quoted from the book).
"Alone, yet not alone am I
Though in this solitude so drear
I feel my Saviour always nigh;
He comes the weary hours to cheer
I am with Him and He with me
It therefore cannot lonely be."
- "Remind yourself every day you get up and everywhere you go, 'I am in the presence of God.'" (Alistair Begg) How much less people would sin if they are constantly aware of God's presence...I wonder.

- God knows us more profoundly than we know ourselves and He shows us that we are worth loving and dying for and having relationship with. Truly amazing and mind-boggling! If you ever doubt your worth, please read this Psalm again :).


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