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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Accuser Is Going Down!

Heaven is rejoicing at the overthrow of Satan, our Accuser. The emphasis here is on the salvation, the power & the kingdom of God, and the authority of Christ. Praise God for the final outcome! The victory belongs to the Lord. The ending gives us hope.

By Jesus's death on the cross (by the blood of the Lamb), our sin is atoned for; we're completely forgiven. Not only that, Christ's righteousness is also imputed to us (those who trust in the finished work of Christ at the cross). The Accuser has nothing to accuse against us any more. Jesus set us free from all accusations. "It is finished!" (John 19:30a) "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1)

It is so important for us to go to God's Word for truth and not rely on what feelings or others tell us. We must learn to distinguish between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the condemnation of Satan. There's a difference between guilt and conviction. God uses conviction to draw us back to Him in repentance. Satan, on the other hand, uses guilt to drive a wedge between us and draw us away from God. The devil loves to whisper lies to God's children trying to convince them that they're unworthy, unloved, and inadequate.

Be encouraged. Satan is no match for our God. Remember that your worth and identity are in Christ alone.

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