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Monday, August 25, 2014

DVD Review and Giveaway: A Long Way Off

A Long Way Off is a retelling of the Prodigal Son in a modern day setting. Jake Abraham (played by Jason Burkey) is tired of working for his family's business, Abraham Farms, in a rural area. He longs for a  more exciting life in the big city. He asks his father for his share of inheritance to which his father (played by John Diehl) agrees. In the city, he meets a friendly, caring, beautiful barista, Summer (played by Zoe Myers). At the same time, he is attracted to the seductive Laura (played by Johanna Jowett) who has a mobster boyfriend named Frank (played by Robert Davi). For a while, Jake enjoys his new life of monetary success (from stock investment), luxury, and pleasures. Drinking and partying. The sights and sounds of city life consume Jake. Eventually, the foolish lifestyle and failed stock knock him down flat and he finds himself running in fear for his life (because of the bad deal he made with Frank) and searching in desperation for food. Ending up in a pig pen, Jake finally comes to his senses and heads home. He has lost everything but never his dad who never gives up on him and patiently keeps waiting for his return. His dad is overjoyed when Jake comes home and wants to celebrate. Jake's older brother, Seth (played by Dave Blamy) cannot understand why and is quite ticked off by it (jealousy/envy/resentment). The father explains to him something similar to what is written in Luke 15:31-32, "My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."

I enjoyed the DVD. Great cast! This is a wonderful, powerful story of unconditional love/undeserved love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, choices and consequences, and temptations. The story of the Prodigal Son reflects our Heavenly Father's unfailing love and inexhaustible grace! God never stops loving us and always longingly waits for us to have an intimate relationship with Him. No one is beyond God's grace no matter what they may have done. I hope you will check out this film and ponder over God's amazing love for you!

GIVEAWAYYou can win a copy of this DVD!
Deadline: 9/7 at midnight (Pacific time) 
To Enter: Leave a comment here with your email address. Do you know any prodigal son/daughter in your life?

~I received a free copy of this DVD via Edify Media, Inc. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. 


  1. Would love to win that. It sounds like a good story. Love watching quality videos. Thank you for this opportunity.

  2. I would enjoy watching this inspirational dvd. Quite often the message helps along life's road for myself or for others. I am praying for my friend's adult children. Marg kitc 19 at yahoo dot ca.

  3. I would love to win this and have my whole family watch it!!


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