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Thursday, September 25, 2014

For Such a Time as This

- Even though the name of God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, this verse clearly shows that Mordecai was confident in God's sovereign power, faithfulness, and providence. He believed that God would deliver His people according to His will and promise. Nothing could hinder that. He believed that Esther came to be a queen by God's appointment to accomplish God's purpose at that time. Esther had to make a choice: to keep silent and do nothing (which would result in death for her and her family) or to risk her life and try to save her people. Mordecai discouraged her from the former and encouraged her to do the latter.
- God does not need you and me but He graciously invites us to participate in His kingdom work. What a privilege and honor it is! We get a front row seat to His glorious power and works. God's purposes will be carried out whether He uses me or someone else. However, I don't want to miss any opportunities. I want to always be faithful, available, and obedient. You and I who are alive at this time have also been called to be His instruments in saving people's lives. We have been here (have come to the kingdom...God's kingdom) for such a time as this to faithfully share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world for His glory and to be faithful to whatever God has called us to do. Many people know what is the right thing to do but they lack courage to do the right thing at the right time. There is cost to discipleship/cost to following Jesus...cost to living a life of radical obedience, but "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." (Jim Elliot)
- God created you on purpose for a purpose. You are not here by chance, but by God's choosing. He made you the person you are (there's only one you in the whole world) and gave you special gifts and passions. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose in this world. Speak up (don't keep silent) and do something about what God has put on your heart.

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