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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Appreciate Your Pastors

- This is a request for believers in Christ to acknowledge and appreciate their pastors, elders, and deacons. We are to honor and respect them as our spiritual leaders. Their work is difficult and demanding. They toil with much effort and diligence and are subject to weariness (if not physically, surely spiritually). They dedicate themselves to praying, studying God's Word, preaching, shepherding the souls committed to their care, instructing, admonishing (if anyone goes astray), encouraging, counseling, strengthening the faith of their flocks, etc. Don't take them for granted. Don't put them on a pedestal, either. Respect, yes. Worship, no. They are not perfect and they have struggles just like any of us. They are not immune to heartaches, trials, or temptations, either. Keep them in your prayers. Show them and their families your love and support. Express your gratitude for their ministry in your life. They need encouragement, too. I am so thankful for my church's pastors who are true servant leaders upholding God's Word faithfully during good times and hard times. Last year in summer, our main pastor's daughter was senselessly murdered. Our pastor continues to stand firm in the faith and exemplify Christlikeness.

- Because of their important work (kingdom work), they are to be esteemed highly in agape love. We should humbly submit to their leadership so far as it is agreeable with God's Word.

- "Live in peace with each other."--Do your best to get along with others. "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18) The well-being of the Christian community depends on peaceful cooperation between brothers and sisters in Christ...between followers and leaders. "But love of peace must not make us wink at sin." (Matthew Henry)

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