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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spotless, Blameless, but Not Restless

Our confident expectancy of Christ's return should propel us to be mindful of how we live each day. Peter encourages us believers to be diligent/to make every effort (which requires self-discipline) to be found by Christ spotless, blameless, but not restless (= at peace).

When Jesus returns, in what condition will He find us? I'm thankful that His righteousness covers me. My conduct should match my position in Christ which is without spot or blemish. My character should reflect Christ in me. Be constantly ready for His return by faithfully abiding in Him, focusing on things above, not on earthly things, living a life of holiness & godliness, and doing Kingdom work. "And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming." (1 John 2:28) Those who are looking forward to Christ's return should have no fear or anxiety because they have a blessed assurance of their salvation. They are at peace because they have already made peace with God (been reconciled to Him) through Christ. The end of the world doesn't scare them/us. 

Our belief and behavior must be congruent. Live a life of love, faith, obedience, purity, and integrity with no compromise. Resist worldliness. "Without spot or blemish" is the exact opposite of the false teachers' character that Peter points out in 2 Peter 2:13b, "They are blots and blemishes." We are not sinless (one day we will be :)), but we can and we should sin less.

Prayer: "May God Himself, the God of peace sanctify us through and through. May our whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

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