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Monday, June 29, 2015

Hope and Comfort

We have unchanging hope because our God is faithful and unchanging. God's promises preserve our lives. Knowing that He always keeps His promises gives us comfort in our affliction/suffering and helps us stand firm in our faith & in His Word amidst ridicule/insolence. We read the last chapter of the Bible and we know how it's all going to end.
The world seeks hope and comfort in all the wrong places such as drugs, alcohol, money, fame, pleasures, government, etc. These can only deliver false, failing hope and superficial, temporary comfort. We find eternal, living hope and real, lasting comfort in God and His Word. I know Whom I have believed! God's Word relieves me in my distress, revives me, cheers me up, & encourages me; I will not turn away from His Word.

If we stand up for God's truths, we cannot expect to escape the mockery and even hatred of the ungodly/unbelievers. They love to deride us, especially when we are in affliction. Pay no attention to them; we must focus our hearts and mind on God's Word, instead. Stay faithful and true to God  & His holy Word in the face of contempt and persecution, come what may. Never compromise God's truths!

"God has not promised peace without pain, joy without sorrow, nor sun without rain. But He promised strength for the day, grace for the trials. and light for the way." (Annie Johnson Flint)

Prayer: "Loving Father, show me the mercy of afflictions. Cleanse me from earthly and sensual desires--and strengthen me with trust and heavenly rest. Graciously accept my prayers, O heavenly Father, and help me with true thankfulness to praise You. For Your dear Son Jesus Christ's sake. Amen."(William Purton)

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