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Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #104

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:
1. This dish. Shrimp, ginger, onions, mushrooms, lemon juice, soy sauce, and curry powder.

2. Enjoyed watching Mom's Night Out again. Moms, remember that God's grace frees us to fail without feeling like a failure! What you do matters!

3. Coffee ice cream with whipped cream. 

4. This morning, our daughter had an interview with NCIS (not the TV show but the real thing :)) for her summer internship. It went well! The result is in God's hand. Glad she had this experience!

5. Our 17 year old son passed his driving test today! Yeah!

P.S. Please pray for France and all the people affected by the attacks in Paris.


  1. great list of faves (minus the Paris daughters, husband and I were just devastated and praying that Jesus be in the midst of that suffering......we love Paris and are thankful we got to spend a week just seems to really hit hard when these attacks are on our beloved cities (NYC, BOSTON, Paris).....not to mention all the other places in the world.....we need to really press in as Believers and pray for these people!

  2. Congrats to your son on passing his driver's test. And hoping for your girl to land her internship! Coffee ice cream is one of my favourite flavors. Haven't had ice cream in so long but that would be the flavor I would definitely go to. I love Mom's Night Out. I'll have to pull it out of the DVD cupboard and watch it again.

  3. The best part of your son passing his driver's test is that he can drive himself now and you don't have to be the chauffeur. Yes, I am and have been praying for France, and Beirut and all the truly displaced people in Syria and Iraq.


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