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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I AM With You Always

This is Christ's wonderful reassuring promise that goes with His final command (the Great Commission). Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (a confirmation of the doctrine of the Trinity), and teach them to obey His commands. Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden upon me, only sustain me. Sever any ties but the ties that bind me to You and Your service.” (David Livingstone) 

Jesus gives us an important task to do but He doesn't just leave us to figure it all out by ourselves. Christ's promise of His presence is precious. He knows that when we obey what He commands us to do, we will face hardships, obstacles, distractions, attacks, and dangers from the Enemy. He promises to be with us always in all places at all times. He confirms that He is indeed ImmanuelHis constant Spiritual presence encourages, comforts, strengthens, guides, guards, empowers, and preserves us. Jesus is with us on days of discipline, days of drudgery, days of doubts, days of difficulties, days of disappointments, days of discouragement, days of distress, and day of death. Every. Moment. His everlasting arms will sustain us and carry us. He encompasses us. He is our ever-present Guide, Shield, and Deliverer! He is our Forever Faithful Friend! If all we have left is Christ, we still have more than enough!

Every day will be a day of temptation. In the home, in the business, in company, in loneliness--I shall encounter the devil's subtle snares. But let my Lord be with me, and temptation will but reveal the closeness and blessedness of the tie. It will be an instrument which He uses to impart more maturity to my graces--more courage, more patience, more trust... ALL the days He is with me--to the end, and through the end, and beyond the end forever and ever! Whether I live, therefore, or whether I die--I am His and He is mine!" (Alexander Smellie)

"You are never for an instant . . .
out of His heart,
out of His thoughts,
out of His hands,

or out of His eye! 
Go then, and lay your weariness on Christ!
(Octavius Winslow)

"The Christian has a remedy which never fails, when properly applied--the Savior's presence. This... 

turns poverty to riches;
invests the humblest meal with luxury;
makes crowded cities as pleasant as the mountain top;
imparts refreshment in the midst of labor;
fills voids with Christ's fullness; and
gives us the presence of the best of friends." (George Mylne)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me and for always being with me all the days of my life! Please help me to boldly share the gospel with those who need to hear. Please guide me in Your way and guard me from the Enemy's assaults and snares. 

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