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Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday's Fave Five #105

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:
1. My left eye (that had vitreous hemorrhage at the beginning of this month) is able to see again! Yeah! It's not normal yet; it still has tons of floaters but I thank God for any and every improvement. Praise Yahweh Rapha (The Lord Who Heals)! God always heals His children. He may heal us instantly or gradually or ultimately (in Heaven). He already heals our worst sickness of all: sin-sick soul.

2. Last Saturday, we 
attended the red carpet premiere of KUNG FU PANDA 3 at Cinemark Clackamas Town Center. It's Po awesome :)!    

3. Yesterday, I used my iPhone to video-record my 17 yo son's piano covers and we posted them on YouTube. If you like them, please leave comments for him on YouTube. I know he would be so encouraged.

4. Yesterday, I watched the free simulcast from Evangelicals for Life. You can also watch it today.

5. I just finished reading Devotions and Prayers of John Wesley. It's very good! Here's an example of his prayers: "Lift our affections to things above, that we may have perfect contentment in well-doing and patient suffering. Free us from the cares of this world, from all distrust of Thy good providence, from repining at anything that befalls us; and enable us in everything to give thanks, believing that all things are ordered wisely and shall work together for good. Amen."

BONUS: On my other blog, I'm having two terrific giveaways right now: 1. CD Giveaway: PASSION Salvation's Tide Is Rising (ends 1/24) and 2. DVD Giveaway: Captive (ends 1/31)


  1. The eye situation sounds like it might have been uncomfortable and scary. Glad it's better, and hope it continues to heal well. I know we've seen the first Kung Fu Panda - I can't remember if we saw the 2nd one, and now there is a 3rd. We need to catch up! I've never attended a red carpet event of any kind - sounds like fun!

  2. God is so good, and faithful to the end!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Glad that your eye is getting better. Bet that was scary. Your son plays beautifully. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend. Visiting from the link up

  4. praise the Lord your eye is doing better!

    I was a piano major for my undergrad degree...your som is playing well!

    have a happy weekend!

  5. Talented son you have there! Everytime I hear someone play piano so beautifully like that it makes me want to be a piano player. So glad your eye is feeling better. My mom has had that too so I know it can be frustrating. Fun family night at the new movie. Hasn't come to my city yet that I know of.

  6. Jehovah Rapha--I am studying the names of God right now--He has healed you!
    I enjoyed listening to your son's playing--especially the Beatles :)


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