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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Philippians 1 in Poem

What God begins, He will complete
He is working in you and me
When you feel you trudge through life in defeat
Remember He's not yet finished with you or me

May your love abound more and more continually
May God bless you with wisdom and insight
May you be pure and blameless for the day of Christ
May you bear much fruit for God's praise and glory

God's children never suffer in vain
He uses our trials and our pain
To encourage others to persevere
To proclaim the gospel without fear

Rejoice when Christ is preached
Rejoice when lost souls are reached
Messengers' motives may not be right
Leave it to God; it's not our fight

If you want lasting joy, focus on Jesus
Be daring like Paul who was confident
To live is all for Christ; to die is gaining Heaven
We are one with the Victor; nothing can defeat us

May we live worthy of the gospel of Christ
May we stand firm and faithful day and night
May we work together with one heart and mind
May we unite to share the Gospel and His light to shine

~ Copyright 2017 Urailak Liljequist

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