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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Summum Bonum: Christ Is Proclaimed

What really mattered to Paul was the message rather than the messengers' motives. Paul rejoiced because Christ was being proclaimed, the Gospel was being advanced, and the lost was being saved even if some preachers' motives were wrong/impure (such as envy, rivalry, selfish ambition). Motives do matter to God. However, Paul chose to leave that matter in God's hand and focus on the preaching of Christ and His Gospel, instead. Nothing could rob Paul of his joy in the Lord. Where your focus is will influence your response to trials and difficulties. Paul's focus on Christ & His Gospel never wavered and that's why his joy was not disturbed even in the midst of his afflictions...even when some tried to stir up trouble for him. His ultimate goal ("Christ is preached") was still achieved; therefore, he was filled with joy. Paul's attitude reminded me of this verse, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." (Genesis 50:20) 

We must care more about 
sound theology than we care about the motives or the methods of those who preach/teach it. Like Paul, let us resolve to rejoice as long as the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, no matter who gets the credit or how it's accomplished.

To ponder: Where is your focus in life? How does it affect your response to trials and difficulties?

Prayer: Abba Father, may my focus always be all of Christ through all of me at all times in all circumstances! Thank You for the deep, sweet joy in exalting Christ, proclaiming Christ, and leading people to Christ! Please use me, including my trials, for Your glory and Your kingdom. And help me rejoice with others when You use them to carry out Your kingdom's work. In Christ's Name, I pray. Amen.

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