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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Philippians 2 in Poem

Children of God are called to unite
Sharing the same love, shining the light
No room for vain conceit or selfish ambition
Put away pride; humbly work together as one
Consider others' concerns above your own
Imitate the humble obedience Christ has shown

Every knee will bow to Jesus our Lord
Everyone will one day acknowledge God
Tell the world about salvation by grace
Pray they'll choose Christ before it's too late

God's Spirit works in us, for us, and through us
To achieve His purpose and make us like Jesus
Shine brightly like stars in this world's darkness
Stay pure, irreproachable, and blameless
Conquer complaining; avoid arguing
Hold fast to the word of life rejoicing

Stand up and stand out for God's glory
Is your life for Christ a good testimony?
Be joyful and helpful like Paul and Timothy
God's transforming grace at work the world will see

Live for God; be a blessing to others
To the will of God we must surrender
Put Christ first above all else
Daily we must die to selves

Father, open our eyes to see the needs around us
Open our hearts to care and love them like Jesus
Open our arms to the broken and the lonely
May we serve others with joy and sincerity

~ Copyright 2017 Urailak Liljequist

Note: You can read my Philippians 1 in Poem here.

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