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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Philippians 4 in Poem

Rejoice in the Lord always
Find joy in Christ, come what may
Delight in Who God is and what He has done
Choose to be joyful in any situation

Let your gentleness be evident to all
To be considerate and kind we are called
Let your conduct honor God and reflect Christ
The world is watching; may we be salt and light

Do not be anxious about anything
But humbly pray to God with thanksgiving
God's peace which surpasses all understanding
Will guard your hearts and minds, His Word believing

Our thoughts influence our words, actions, character
Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely,
Admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy
Think on these things; watch what into your mind enters

Let's be content in any situation we face
We are complete in Christ, full of blessings
We can do all things through Christ Who gives us strength and grace
Fullness of life, light, and love He does bring

Our Father and Provider faithfully meets all our needs
According to the riches of His glory in Jesus
We're blessed to be a blessing; may we be generous
Guide us, Lord, to be Your loving, serving hands and feet

~ Copyright 2017 Urailak Liljequist 

Note: You can read my Philippians 1 in Poem herePhilippians 2 in Poem here, and Philippians 3 in Poem here.

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