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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Shine for Jesus!

Paul pointed out some ways in which we work out our salvation: Do not complain (grumble, murmur) and do not argue. Either complaining or arguing hinders unity in the Body of Christ. Both are toxic habits. "Grumbling and disputing are sins of the disposition." (George Brooks) Complaining expresses discontent, dissatisfaction, or disappointment (what takes place in our heart). If our heart is filled with gratitude and contentment, there will be no room for complaining. Our sense of entitlement needs to end. Instead of complaining, we should be counting our blessings. Complaining hurts our fellowship with God and people. Focus on God and His goodness, instead of your problems. Learn to look at everything with an eternal perspective...from God's perspective. God is displeased when we complain. For example, God struck Miriam with leprosy for 7 days because she grumbled against Moses. He wants His children to be thankful and joyful, not whiny and argumentative. Arguing expresses disagreement, desire to win, and pride. Are you more concerned about being "right" or being reconciled? Be humble and teachable. Value relationship more than the need to be "right". Seek to understand rather than demand to be understood. "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." (James 1:19) Complaining and arguing kill our own joy and other people's joy.

"If Christians spent as much time praying as they do grumbling, they would have nothing to grumble about." (Unknown)
"If we complained less, and praised more, we should be happier, and God would be more glorified." (Charles Spurgeon)
"As long as a man is alive and out of hell, he cannot have any cause to complain." (Charles Spurgeon)

"Those Christians who with thankful hearts
Praise God throughout the day
Won't tend to grumble and complain
When things don't go their way." (Branon)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:29)

The purpose/result of doing everything without complaining or arguing is to become blameless (outward conduct), pure (inward character), irreproachable children of God, shining like stars in this dark world in the midst of a crooked (opposed to God's truths, morally/spiritually corrupt) and perverse (depraved, distorting the truth) generation. A complaining Christian is a poor witness; so is a disputing church. People in general like to complain and argue (as seen in social media everyday). If we don't complain and don't argue, we will surely stand out. Let us live in such a way that gives no reason for people to blame us or find fault in us. We cannot influence the world by being like the world. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2) God's children are set apart to resemble the Father and to shine His light in contrast to the darkness of this world. We are to reflect Jesus, the Light of the World, so that others may see Him in us. Our position in Christ is blameless and pure without blemish/fault. Does our conduct match our position? "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
Remember that stars shine forth as clusters, not just as individual stars. Paul tried to encourage love and unity in the Body of Christ. When the unbelieving world looks at Christians, do they see the united body of stars shining the gospel light? 
We are to continually hold firmly to the World of Life by believing & obeying God's Word and spreading & living the gospel with perseverance. As a result, we will get to rejoice (along with Paul) on the day of Christ that we have not run or labored in vain (without fruit). The secret of living blameless & pure Christian lives lies in God working in us (Philippians 2:13) and the Word of Christ dwelling in us (Colossians 3:16a).

"Christian, we must face the fact that a complaining spirit is a bad testimony for Christ.  Instead of grumbling, we should be thankful and joyful which will make an impact for Christ.  Be honest, what is there in your life that would be attractive to an unsaved person?  Do you project to the world that a sovereign God is in control?  Can you imagine what kind of an impact the Apostle Paul would have had before the Praetorian Guard if while in that Roman jail, they would have heard him say, “This jail stinks!  The food is awful!  The conditions are atrocious!  These chains are killing me!  I wish these negative Christians would stop visiting me!  I’m being slandered unjustly!  I hate to pray because God doesn’t answer anyway!”  This kind of complaining and griping would have turned off every Roman soldier guarding Paul and they would have said, “This guy is nothing but a sour-puss.  Christianity is not for me!”  But instead Paul projected joy, confidence and assurance that God was in control of all things and he found reasons to be thankful even though his circumstances were miserable.  Paul did not just give external obedience to his circumstances.  He gave internal obedience and was glad and joyful in his circumstances because He knew it was all somehow part of God’s plan for his life.  Christians, what kind of impact do you have on this depraved world for Christ?  Do the unsaved see you conquering in areas they know they are failing?  Can they see Christ in you?" (Jack Arnold)

"Gracious Spirit dwell with me;
I myself would gracious be,
And with words that help and heal
Would thy life in mine reveal,
And with actions bold and meek

Would for Christ my Saviour speak." (Thomas Lynch)

"Is your life a channel of blessing?
Is the love of God flowing through you?
Are you telling the lost of the Savior?

Are you ready His service to do?" (Smyth)

"I want my life to shine for Jesus

So that everywhere I go
The watching world will see He loves them
And His saving grace will know." (Hess)

Prayer: Father, please help me be thankful and joyful, instead of complaining and arguing. Please mold my heart to be like Yours. "Like Father, like daughter"...that's what I hope people see. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer! (Psalm 19:14) Please empower me to faithfully and steadfastly run the race and proclaim the gospel. Please enable me to shine brightly for Jesus. May others see Christ in me and see what Christ has done in me, for me, and through me! To Christ alone be all the glory! In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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