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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

We All Have to Face Trials

God is no respecter of persons. Rich or poor, we all have to face the trials of this sin-cursed life. Both the rich and the poor need wisdom (including an eternal perspective) to rightly respond to trials, the testing of their faith. The poor glory in seeing that poverty doesn't make them less in God's eyes. Through trials, the rich realize that wealth doesn't make them immune to the curse, nor does it make them any better than the poor. Trials and sufferings are allowed (and used) by God to keep both the rich and the poor from being too enamored with this world...from being preoccupied with the cares of this life and the pursuit of material treasures. Neither wealth nor poverty gives us special status in God's eyes. Therefore, we must not let either determine how we view other people or how we treat them. 

We are reminded of how brief life is and how fleeting and temporary all of this is-- material possessions, achievements, status, earthly success, etc. They all will wither and disappear. Our status, not here, but in eternity should be our main concern. In Christ, believers in humble circumstances are to rejoice that they have been given true wealth. They're now heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. In Christ, the rich are to rejoice that they have been brought down to a level where the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for more and more things no longer have a hold on them. Wealth is a testing just as poverty is; both reveal where we place our faith and hope. Trials/difficult times help remind us that our joy and contentment are not found in the riches of this world, but are found only in the riches of God's grace.

Prayer: Father, I am thankful that my life is in Your hand. I need Your wisdom, grace, and strength as I face various trials. Your presence and sovereignty comfort me. Please guide me and empower me to grow and glorify You through trials. In Jesus's Name, I pray. Amen.

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