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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Live Lives Worthy of God

"Encouraging, comforting and urging you to walk/live lives worthy of God, who calls you into His kingdom and glory. And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the Word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe." (1 Thessalonians 2:12-13)

Paul's ways of discipling new believers included: exhorting/encouraging them to grow into spiritual maturity, comforting them during difficult times of trials & sufferings, and urging/challenging them to follow God's teachings. Paul's motive for all his encouraging, comforting, and urging was his desire that the Thessalonians believers would walk daily in a manner that is worthy of God and His a manner that honors and glorifies God Who called them into His kingdom and glory. This was his ministry's goal. The word "worthy" used in verse 12 is from the Greek word, "axios" which means weighing as much as, worth as much as (balancing the scales).
We, Christ's followers, are to walk in Christ, reflecting Christlikeness in how we conduct our lives. Live in such a way that proves you belong to God. Live accordingly as children of the King and fellow heirs of Christ. Live in the pursuit of holiness. Live in the light of eternity. We need God's power to be able to live in such a way. Be encouraged; God is at work in the lives of the redeemed. God will help us when we cannot walk and when we find it difficult to walk but He won't do the walking for us. The walking/living out part is our responsibility. Walk in love, light, wisdom, humility, submission, obedience, walk in newness of life, walk in the Spirit,...walk by faith. To ponder: Is there anything in your life that dishonors God? When people look at your lives, what do they think of God?
Paul, Silas, and Timothy thanked God continually because not only had the Thessalonian believers received & accepted the Word of God (the gospel) by faith, but the Word of God also continued to effectively worked in them (sanctification). The same Word of God that brings us salvation also enables us to live for Him and endure trials in this life. It has power to transform and sanctify us. If we want the Word of God to continue to work in us, we must read, study, memorize, and apply His Word. Knowledge of God's Word renews our mind which controls our conduct. Right living begins with right thinking.
"If I look at the world, I will conform to ways of the world. If I look at the Word, I will conform to the will of God." (A.W. Tozer)
"Lamp for the feet that in byways have wandered,
Guide for the youth that would otherwise fall;
Hope for the sinner whose life has been squandered,

Staff for the aged, and best Book of all." (Unknown)
Prayer: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word that transforms, sanctifies, guides, comforts, and encourages me! May I hide Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You! Please enable me to live in a manner pleasing to You, worthy of Your calling. Please help me die to self daily and may people see only Christ in me. Use my life, Lord, for Your glory and Your kingdom! In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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