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Monday, June 18, 2018

Because of God's Unfailing Love and Mercy

"Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer." (Psalm 6:8-9)

Psalm 6 is a prayer of faith and repentance in time of distress. David pleads for God to help, heal, deliver, and save him, not on the basis of what he has done, but on the basis of God's unfailing love and mercy. David humbly acknowledges his own weakness, weariness, sorrow, and anguish while confidently reminding himself that God does hear his prayer. When our words fail and only our hearts cry out in tears, God still hears and understands us. "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle! You have recorded each one in Your book!" (Psalm 56:8) God cares! "Our tears are precious to God...because in our sorrow He brings to us blessings which we never could receive but for our sorrow. One of our Lord's Beatitudes is for the sorrowing: 'Blessed are those who mourn.' It seems strange to us that mourning ones should be put among the blessed or happy ones. The reason is, because only those who suffer can get God's comfort, and this is such a blessing that it is worth while to have sorrow just to receive it. God holds the tears of penitence as most sacred. Those who weep over their sins, cause joy in Heaven." (J.R. Miller)

God knows our every thought, word, action, trial, grief, foe, and trouble. God is with us and for us. "So be strong and courageous! For the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you!" (Deuteronomy 31:6) I find comfort, courage, and confidence in God's presence. 

"He is with His people . . .

  as a Father--loving and holding communion with them; 
  as the Lord Almighty--having all power to help them; 
  as a Guide--to wisely lead them; 
  as an Advocate--to plead their cause; 
  as a Friend--to supply and comfort them; 
  as a Savior--to deliver and protect them; 
  as a holy, sin-hating God
--to purify them!" (James Smith)

"Christ has completely and perfectly delivered all His people from the condemnation of sin, as He suffered the wrath of God for us on the cross, having our sins charged to His account. But His deliverance of us does not end there. He is still delivering us and keeping us from all that would harm or destroy us. He continually delivers us... 
from the power of sin which still plagues, corrupts, and contaminates us;
from the influence of the world; 
from the force of temptation;
from the deceitfulness of our own hearts;
and from the designs of all our foes
!" (Unknown) 

Prayer: Thank You, Abba Father, for Your steadfast love, grace, and mercy for me! Thank You for faithfully helping & guiding me in times of need, delivering & protecting me in times of danger, comforting & strengthening me in times of sorrow! Please enable me to trust You completely in any circumstances and to rest in You, Your perfect wisdom and timing. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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