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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Live by Faith, Not by Fear

In Numbers 13:26-14:11, God told Moses to send 12 spies into the Promised Land, one from each tribe, to check what the land was like, whether people there were few or many, whether they were strong or weak, and to bring back samples of fruit. After 40 days, 10 of them came back and gave a bad report out of fear. Only Caleb and Joshua brought back a favorable report and encouraged Israel to enter into the Promised Land for God was with them and would surely give it to them. Caleb and Joshua had faith. Because Israel made a decision out of fear, rather than faith, they had to wander in wilderness for 40 years and missed out on the promises God had for them. Whenever I have to make a decision, I hope and pray that I will make a wise and right decision based on/motivated by faith and not fear. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) 

Faith comes from taking God's Word and holding onto it in our heart. Fear will keep us from taking hold of God's promises. How do we assess each challenging situation? Through lens of faith or lens of fear? Both faith and fear can have great impact/effect on our perspectives (as seen in the 2 spies vs. 10 spies mentioned above). Faith gives us the courage to move, to rise up, and to press onward. On the contrary, fear cripples and paralyzes us.

May our faith in our Almighty God and in His sovereignty be always greater than our fear!


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