In addition, we are commanded to love (agape) one another deeply/fervently (ektenos in Greek) and sincerely (without pretense and without hypocrisy). "For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another...And this is His command: to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us." (1 John 3:11, 23) Agape is to love unconditionally, selflessly, and sacrificially. "Ektenos was an athletic term conveying the meaning of “striving with all of one’s energy” and was used to describe a runner who was moving at maximum output with taut muscles straining and stretching to the limit. This meaning presents the clear picture that love is not something that will just happen, but is something we have to work at like an Olympic athlete who strives to master his area of expertise with all his energy. We must make the choice and be earnest, resolute, even intense in our practice of agape love, always in complete dependence of God's indwelling Spirit and His living and abiding Word." (from
Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for my spiritual rebirth and for Your living and enduring Word that continues to guide me and mold me! Please empower me to love like Christ. May my love for my brothers and sisters in Christ be evident through my words and actions! Please enable me to live a life of faith, love, obedience, and integrity always. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
Nicee post