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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who Will Join Me and the Millions of Christians Around the World?

Each year, millions of Christians around the world unite together to pray for the Muslim world for 30 days during Ramadan (the holy month for Muslims). This year, Ramadan will take place from August 22nd to September 20th. These Muslims desparately need Jesus, the Savior of the world. They live without hope. They are our neighbors, too. If you truly love your neighbors as yourselves, wouldn't you want them to be saved from spending eternity in hell? Would you and your family please spare some time during each of the 30 days to pray for them? For more details, please visit (tons of facts, figures, resources (including free downloadable materials), testimonies, and much more).

Printed booklets (prayer guides focusing on different people groups each day) are available in over 30 languages.
To receive free daily email prayer guides, please sign up at
Español: 30 días de oración por el Mundo Musulmán:

I hope you will join me and other brothers and sisters in Christ around the world in praying for the lost and the unreached in the Muslim world. Please help spread the word, too. Thanks!

The figures below are taken from this article.

Muslim Populations
■Africa – 400 million
■Middle East – 250 million
■Asia – 800 million
■Europe – 25+ million
■Americas – 5+ million
■TOTAL = 1.48 billion

Here are some Muslim peoples of over 100,000 without any known Gospel witness. Call out in prayer for them.

Saho of Eritrea – 211,000
Maraikayar of India – 127,000
Mawalud of India – 1,161,000
Nikari of India – 151,000
Pashtun of India – 13,282,000
Thulukkan of India – 269,000
Asahan of Indonesia – 541,000
Bangka of Indonesia – 340,000
Belitung of Indonesia – 100,000
Gayo of Indonesia – 300,000
Kangean of Indonesia – 1,100,000
Takistani of Iran – 330,000
Afshari of Iran – 1,230,000
Khorasani Turk of Iran – 832,000
Seraiki of Pakistan – 17,854,000
W.Baluch of Pakistan – 1,261,000
Burig of Pakistan – 474,000
Kho of Pakistan – 314,000
Kolai of Pakistan – 410,000
Awan of India – 618,000
Chhimba of India – 1,047,000
Kamboh of India – 1,525,000
Kunjra of India – 1,601,000
Makhmi of India – 499,000
Mappila of India – 9,635,000
Kerinci of Indonesia – 260,000
Lembak of Indonesia – 120,000

Tips on how to pray for your Muslim neighbor!

We can pray with the knowledge that:

- Every Muslim is unique and wonderful in God's eyes.

- Every Muslim is someone God loves. We can pray with a heart of love and compassion. (John 14: 12-14)

- According to Islam, Allah holds himself apart from mankind. When praying for Muslims, pray that they will have a full revelation of the true God and His loving character. (Hebrews 8:8-9)

- The Muslim worldview is strongly influenced by an awareness of the supernatural and the presence of good and evil spirits known as jinn. Superstitions control many aspects of a Muslim's everyday life and often result in them living in constant fear. (1 John 4:18)

- Islam teaches that a person must do enough good deeds to outweigh the bad deeds in order to make it to paradise. Even then, there is no guarantee for a Muslim of salvation. As a result of this belief, it is difficult for many Muslims to understand forgiveness of sins, repentance and assurance of salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9.) (1 Peter 5:6) (Matthew 6:14-15)

- Vast numbers of Muslims have come to Christ as a result of supernatural encounters. Many have dreams and visions of Jesus.

- The Christian church globally is united to pray for the Muslim World each Ramadan. Let us join that prayer movement. Let us pray and fast during Ramadan. All the details are on the Internet. And as we start to pray during Ramadan together, let us remember the very real battle for the lost. Let us pray that blind eyes will be opened and that many will experience a true and lasting salvation. (Romans 8:26) (John 16:8)

(Taken with permission from )

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making me aware of this. I will link back to you on my blog to spread the word. There is power in unified prayer. Glory to God! We declare the Muslim nations saved, set free, healed, and delivered in Jesus' name!


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