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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday #4

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...
1. I am thankful that the Lord has enabled us to homeschool our children.  This is our 11th year and we would not have wanted it any other way.  We love homeschooling with all its ups and downs :).

2. I am thankful that my two sons are each other's best buddies.  They share a bedroom, talk about everything, discuss books they read, play together everyday, etc.  They sometimes get rough with each other but their brotherly love is evident.

3. I am thankful for our home and its location.  We are blessed to be living in the country, on a hill with a panoramic view of God's beautiful creation (forests, hills, sky), in a very quiet & safe neighborhood.

4. I am thankful for our family's Bible study and prayer time in the evenings.  We enjoy discussing what we read and learn from God's Word.

5. I am thankful that my husband and my children play piano.  My husband is a gifted piano player and composer.  My 16 year old daughter has been giving her brothers piano lessons.  One of my favorite things to do is singing praise & worship songs or hymns to the Lord with my husband while he plays the piano.


  1. It's wonderful your children are so close. It has always been a blessing to me that my son and daughter were close and remain so as adults:-)

  2. Thanks for sharing..Godbless you dear!

  3. Thanks for sharing. You have a grateful heart my dear.

  4. Loved to read your thankful heart

  5. It's so wonderful when our children show brotherly love towards each other. My boys are very close too.

    Thank you for sharing. I do something similiar to this on Fridays. Count your Blessings.

    I love it b/c it reminds me how much God has done for me.

    God bless.

  6. I am thankful with you my friend! I always loved it when my girls showed love for each other and now that they are grown, they are all best friends.

    Love to you!

  7. I love it! Those are all wonderful things to be thankful for. :) God bless!

  8. This was a wonderful list. I too love that all of my adult children remain close to this day. Nothing like family. And now their kids are all enjoying each other..Thanks for sharing this it put a smile on my heart. Debbie

  9. A lot to say thanks for. Wonderful

  10. What a thankful heart!

    By the looks of your sidebar, seems as though we have similar interests.


  11. Sounds like you have a beautiful life. What a blessing to have the piano in your life. My kids played the base ans viola. I was never able to learn any.

  12. You and your family are truly blessed. I am encouraged that you have eyes to see God's blessings and ears to hear your family's music that the LORD loves to hear too!
    May your day be a blessing, ~ linda

  13. Hi,

    I really loved reading about your life. Your boys and daughter and your husband and the piano.

    I fell like I was right there on the porch of your home looking at the countryside and all the beauty God created.

    Neat.... See you again Thursday. Hugs, Lynn


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