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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday #6

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...
1. I am thankful for God's protection over my brother.  Someone threw/dropped a brick onto his car while he was driving slowly through a residential area.  The brick caused the hood to flip up and crack the windshield.  My brother was shaken up but was not hurt. 

2. I am thankful for the warm fire (from our wood stove) that my husband makes in the evenings (when the weather is cold).  I find it very relaxing and cozy :).

3. I am thankful for our harvest from the garden this year: corn, green beans, zucchini, Hungarian peppers, Thai peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers.  We also get blackberries and pears on our property.

4. I am thankful for hymns and their writers.  I'm so glad that the hymn writers shared their God-given talents with us.  Their lyrics are mostly Biblically based, God-centered, meaningful, giving praise to God with utmost reverence and humble adoration.  Some of my favorite hymns are Be Thou My Vision, I Surrender All, Amazing Grace, Jesus Paid It All, I Need Thee Every Hour, To God Be the Glory, He Lives, and May the Mind of Christ, My Savior.

5. I am thankful for God's marvelous creation.  I love the outdoors and love taking pictures.  My Father's World is one of my blogs where I post the photos that I've taken of His beautiful creation.  "I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders." Psalm 9:1


  1. The heavens and the earth declare His glory! I am so thankful for music and His beauty in the earth!
    Great list! Glad your brother is alright!

  2. A warm fire is so cozy! My harvest was good this year for my first garden.

  3. yikes. thank God your brother is safe. Sarah

  4. So VERY glad your brother is safe!!

  5. So glad your brother wasn't scarey for him.
    I am also so thankful for God's music!


  6. Praise God for keeping your brother safe. What a wonderful list!!!

  7. I'm so glad that your brother is safe!! Things like that are frightening!!

    And Be Thou My Vision is one of my favorites too :)

  8. So glad your brother is safe! That would have shaken me up a bit too! and yea for harvest gardens! I don't have a food garden but I do have flowers and I LOVE the fall mums that are everywhere this time of year! So beautiful!

  9. That brick thing was very scary. I had that happen when I was younger. A brick came in my window and only missed my head by a few inches. If it had hit me I would have been killed. God protected me that day.

  10. Thank God for protecting your brother! Thanks for sharing your list!

  11. Praise God for keeping your brother safe.

  12. Oh Praise God your brother was ok. How scarry. I loved your list and I want to visit your blog again. We had a small veg crop and were so thankful. Lovely list thanks for sharing.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  13. Glad your brother was not hurt! I'm thankful for soul-stirring hymns and the marvels of God's creation too. Have a wonderful day!

  14. Thanking God with you for each of your items. I have really fallen in love with God's creation more this last year than ever before. I've taken some really wonderful pictures. God's creativity, the colors, the textures..., simply amazing.
    Blessings ~ Lisa

  15. praise God your bro was okay and wasn't at all hurt. God is really good. blessings...


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