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Sunday, November 8, 2009

IDOP 2009

Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Please join me and other brothers and sisters in Christ in praying for the persecuted Christians and their persecutors. If you would like to watch videos about the persecuted church and the Voice of the Martyrs's involvement, please visit

1 Corinthians 12:26 "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." (In reference to the Body of Christ, the Church)

We often take our freedom for granted here in America. Are we using our freedom to tell others about Jesus? We live a life of luxury here compared to many people in other countries. Are we sharing with those in need? Live your faith and your love out loud! Pray for courage and boldness, willingness and opportunity, grace and gentleness ...then go tell of God's love to all the world. In addition, please remember (not just today) to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for our Savior, who are beaten for "loving Jesus", who risk all to serve the King of kings, who give up everything to follow the Prince of Peace, who sacrifice so that others can hear the Good News.

"In fact, everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 2 Timothy 3:12

Many Christians who share the Gospel and desire to live a Godly life experience some kind of persecution or trial in every country. However, the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) focuses their help on the Christians who are not allowed by government policy to obtain or distribute Bibles and other Christian literature, and those who are arrested, attacked,...whose freedom and/or possessions were taken away due to their faith in Jesus Christ. Here is the list of countries where Christians are continually being persecuted:-

- Afghanistan                               - Nepal
- Algeria                                      - Nigeria
- Azerbaijan                                - North Korea
- Bangladesh                               - Oman
- Bhutan                                      - Pakistan
- Brunei                                       - Qatar
- China                                        - Saudi Arabia
- Comoros                                  - Somalia
- Cuba                                        - Sri Lanka
- Cyprus                                     - Sudan
- Egypt                                       - Syria
- India                                        - Tajikistan
- Indonesia                                 - Tibet
- Iran                                          - Tunisia
- Iraq                                          - Turkey
- Kuwait                                     - Turkmenistan
- Laos                                        - United Arab Emirates
- Libya                                       - Uzbekistan
- Malaysia                                  - Vietnam
- Maldives                                  - Yemen
- Mauritania                                - Morocco
- Myanmar

“As our staff meets with persecuted Christians around the world, their first request is that we pray for them,” says Todd Nettleton, Director of Media Development for The Voice of the Martyrs - USA. “IDOP is a day when the collective Body of Christ joins together to answer their request.”

“Our persecuted family is not asking us to pray that the persecution will stop,” says Nettleton. “They’re asking us to pray they will remain faithful to Christ in spite of the persecution and pressure they face.” (quotes taken from here)

You can visit here and sign up for weekly prayer updates that inform you prayer needs for the persecuted.  VOM also has a wonderful website for kids and a free educational publication called, "Kids of Courage". Some books that are related to the persecuted church and the martyrs include Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand (you can visit here to request a free copy for yourself and for your friends), Jesus Freaks (Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus: The Ultimate Jesus Freaks), and Foxe's Christian Martyrs of the World by John Foxe.

"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3

Please visit here for the links to other Spiritual Sundays posts.


  1. We truly are blessed to live in a free country - Have a great day. Sarah

  2. I know missionaries in one of those countries. Please add missionaries to you list of people to pray for.

  3. This was a great post with so much important information. Thanks for sharing all this. I will definitely pray with you. Blessings, Debbie

  4. I have read some of the Voice of the Martyrs literature. It is easy for us living in America to forget about what goes on in other parts of the world. Thank you for this reminder. We all need to pray for our brothers and sisters everywhere.

  5. We need to be reminded to keep all of the persecuted in our prayers. Thank you for this. This is an excellent post.

  6. I'm also so thankful being here in America. Yes we do need to pray for other people all over the world. Thank-you for this important reminder.
    God Bless,

  7. We do need to pray for those persecuted. Thank God we are free so far in our country.


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