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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eternal Perspective

As this year comes to a close and you may be making plans for the new year, please keep an eternal perspective with you.  Don't waste your life/your time/your resources.  "Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

Note: Please turn off my playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.

Tears of the Saints from HistoryMaker on Vimeo.

1625 children were forced to live on the streets
1667 children died from malnutrition or disease
115 children became prostitutes
257 children were orphaned because of HIV/Aids.
It gets worse...
2 billion people in the world today have never ever heard of Jesus. 1% of missions financial support, goes to reaching those unreached people. 30000 people starve to death every day.
  ~ Info. taken from

While you are enjoying your new gifts, feasts with your family, and the comfort of your home, billions of people are suffering and many of them are on their way to hell. 

Lord, please move our hearts to have Your compassion and love and move us into action to save the lost, to reach the unreached, to feed the hungry, and to help the needy.

If you "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind," you will want to obey Him/His Word, including the Great Commission.

If you "love your neighbor as yourself," you will want to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ with the lost and not want to see any of them spend eternity in hell.

Let's put aside our denominations and our differences on the secondary issues. Instead, let's unite together in prayer and in our resources to move toward fulfilling the Great reach those who have never heard of the give them hope in Christ. One Body of Christ under one God working toward one common goal!

"There is enough evangelism taking place today to reach the world dozens of times. Unfortunately, most of it is happening among people who have already heard the Gospel." (~K.P. Yohannan)  Please take a look at this table (taken from Come, Let's Reach the World by K.P. Yohannan) below and let me know what you think.

     To Those Who Have Already Heard  To The Unreached
Tract Distribution 5 billion (99.8%) 10 million (0.2%)
Scripture Distribution 4.6 billion (99.6%) 20 million (0.4%)
Full-time Workers 5.5 million (99.6%) 20,500 (0.4%)
Christian Books 3.5 billion (99.9%) 4 million (0.1%)
Christian Broadcasting $5.8 billion (99.9%) $6 million (0.1%)

"It is unjust to share the Gospel of Jesus repeatedly to people who have already heard when there are those who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus even once." ~Eric (my husband) I agree.  Please check out , a wonderful ministry that focuses on sharing the Gospel with the unreached. I recommend you read Revolution in World Missions and Come, Let's Reach the World. You can request a free copy of Revolution in World Missions here .

Let's live in the light of eternity!

~Please visit here for the links to other Spiritual Sundays posts. Thanks so much to Charlotte and Ginger for hosting Spiritual Sundays every week.  Have a blessed New Year, everyone!


  1. Good message to remember those who have so little. lIFE can be unfair. Even here in our own communities - lonely, hurting, broken, empty people. Blessings to you. Sarah

  2. We do live in a sinful world. Thank God for His goodness. Happy New Year!

  3. Serious thoughts that need consideration and then ACTION. Thank you.

  4. This is so sad, but we need to be aware of all of this.
    God Bless,

  5. What an interesting video. Interesting and heart-breaking. We live such a sheltered life in the U.S. Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Blessings for a happy new year.

  6. Amen sister! Like what the Lord had reminded me: "Go!" That was His command :)

    Yes, glory to God I had a great night at the other jail. Thank you for your prayers! Blessings and love to you and may God bless and keep you always.


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