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Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #16

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. Hiking.  Our family enjoys hiking.  Last Saturday, we went hiking at Champoeg State Park.

2. Time Changer DVD.  It's a wholesome, Christ-honoring movie made by Rich Christiano.

3. Free book, God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life by Ray Comfort.  I received my free copy yesterday and is looking forward to reading it.

4. Free books by John MacArthur: Our Sufficiency in Christ (offer expires 6/10) and Anxious for Nothing (offer expires 6/6).

5. Creation Conversations: Connecting Christians who believe in Biblical creation.  This is a new social media site I just joined.  I'm "Urailak (LivingforGod)" there.  Please pray for me.  I've been asked by an administrator of Creation Education Ministries of Thailand if I would be interested in translating creation-related articles/information from English into Thai (my native language).  I would like to use my skills/abilities to serve God in any way I can; I just need God's wisdom and guidance.  Please pray that everything will work out according to His will and that He will use me for His purpose and glory.


  1. How awesome that you have a chance to be a translater! I pray it all works out for you.

  2. Great book recommendations!

    How neat that you've been asked to translate, especially for a cause so meaningful. I pray that will work out for His glory and you'll have wisdom in the decision.

    Happy weekend!

  3. Praying for you right now and this opportunity that has been offered to you. May God give you wisdom and peace with the decision you make. Blessings...

  4. good books are always worthy of the FFF list....FREE books are even better!

    I pray for God's wisdom as you undertake the translating task. He will give it to you.

    It's great that you are able to use your gifts in such a meaningful way.

  5. I haven’t seen Time Changer—sounds like I should! Free books; always love those. I read Anxious for Nothing and it was wonderful. Have a great weekend.

  6. How exciting that you've been asked to translate! May God bless and lead you in that!

    We love to get out in parks and walk trails and do some easy hiking too. We don't do it nearly enough.

    I'll have to look for that video. Sounds good.

  7. How exciting to be offered the opportunity to serve as a translator! What a challenge! Praying for wisdom for you...

    Champoeg Park! Been there! (and I know how to pronounce it). Born and raised in PDX, I have many fond memories of WA Park and the Rose Garden too.

  8. Thanks for the heads-up on the free books! I can't wait to read them!

    Lord bless you!

  9. Love hiking, thanks for the movie info, sounds like 2 good books, and WOW about the translation!!

    ~Mimi from the Round Up


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