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Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #39

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. I had too much fun shopping at Uwajimaya (my favorite Asian grocery store :)). We got lots of humbow, shumai, dumplings, and more.

2. I enjoyed eating duck (rare treat). So yummy!

3. Free DVD download from Answers in Genesis: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

4. Are you ready to be radical for Jesus? Click here to read and rate my daughter's review of Radical by David Platt

5. I'm still trying to help my 17 yo daughter win an iPad (for her graduation). Please view her video below (only 3min. 15 sec.). The video with the most views by Feb. 23rd will win an iPad. Thanks, everyone!                

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. I’m afraid I wouldn’t even know HOW to shop at Uwajimaya. Oh my. Glad you enjoyed it and know what to do with it. :-) Enjoy your weekend!

  2. The only thing I know from your Asian grocery store list is dumplings and those I know well. LOL. We have an Asian supermarket here too. Maybe I need to go and browse a bit.

  3. There are probably so many things I have never seen or heard of !
    But I like to try everything I don't know !

  4. i sometimes shop at an Asian market, but I have never looked for these things. Too bad we didn't live close enough for you to show me.

    Thanks for the Answers in Genesis link. I like their ministry and have profited from their material.

  5. I've never tried duck.

    My husband enjoys Answers in Genesis.

    I've seen that books mentioned on many blogs but haven't checked it out yet -- I have so many stacked up to read already.

    Best wishes to your daughter in trying to win the iPad!

  6. I've heard of Radical by David Platt but haven't read it yet. I did read The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns last summer and highly recommend it. Have you read Not For Sale?

    I wish there were an Asian market near us, particularly an Indonesian one!

  7. I'm stopping by from FFF. I'm going to go watch your daughter's video now. Good luck to her! I love my iPad.


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