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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

30 Day Giveaway at

In honor of Tyndale launching its new book club enewsletter, they are running a 30 day giveaway on their website. The Book Club Hub Newsletter will be an email newsletter geared towards people who are in or are running book clubs. It will feature suggestions, discussion guides and great ideas for your book clubs. You can see a preview by clicking here.

To enter the giveaway, you just need to visit the contest page and click on the book you’d like to sign up to win. You can even go back and sign up for both books. Each day is a new giveaway so you can return to the site each day and try to win. Every few days the books change, so check back! Have fun entering the giveaway :)!

1 comment:

  1. I have been getting errors when trying to enter. Has it worked for you?


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