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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reading Plan--April 2011

The books I've recently finished reading included Max on Life by Max Lucado and Revise Us Again by Frank Viola.

Here is the list of books I am reading or plan to read in the near future:-
  • True Courage by Steve Farrar
  • Lead Serve Love by Gregory E. Lang
  • The Defender's Guide for Life's Toughest Questions by Ray Comfort
  • The Fitting Room by Kelly Minter
Have fun reading :)!


  1. Sounds like we shared similar feelings about Max's book. I really liked it, but found some of it redundant, some I disagreed with, but a whole lot of good otherwise.

  2. I've seen both of those books (that you read) recently but haven't picked up either. Reading your review, I think I might need to take a look at Viola's title. Sounds like a good one.

  3. It looks like you have a great list. Happy May reading!

  4. I have Max on Life here, and I need to start looking at it. I've heard good things about it.



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