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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Review: Lead Serve Love by Gregory E. Lang

Product Details
Format: Softcover
Trim Size: 5.50 x 6.40 x 0.70
Page Count: 208
Retail Price: $14.99
ISBN: 9781404190030

Book Description
Part inspiration–part application, Lead. Serve. Love. engages and challenges believers to put the gospel into action.

In Lead. Serve. Love., Gregory Lang provides a simple guide for helping the everyday person embark (or continue) their journey to live as Christ lived. There are 100 easy-to-remember, easy-to-follow three-word action sentences followed by a short, thought-provoking description of how to apply and live out the gospel message in today’s world. These practical ideas and supporting scriptures will inspire believers to become true followers of Christ.

My Thoughts and Review:
Lead Serve Love is an attractive book (oriental looking) that would make a nifty gift book. It's a collection of 100 three-word sentences that call readers into action towards being more like Christ, each followed by a short explanatory paragraph and relevant Scriptures. It aims to inspire Christians to apply God's Word  and God's way into their daily living. It's a good book for new believers or graduates. I personally did not learn anything new from it because I've already read and learned it all from the Bible (consistently applying it is another story :)). Nonetheless, I still enjoyed this easy-to-read book because I like words arranged in cool, catchy, concise ways. The author managed to select ordinary words and effectively put them into sets of three that are meaningful and Biblically based. However, some of them are somewhat overlapping and somehow redundant; for example, #25 Calm Troubled Waters, #35 Live in Peace, and #69 Strive for Harmony; #56 Use Your Gifts and #76 Do Your Share; #20 Love Your Neighbor and #79 Love Without Hesitation; #73 Forget the Past and #89 Live in Today; #40 Live as Servants and #49 Serve Each Other. Let's not miss the point of this book: Take the message and live it out each day :).
"The gospel is not for a few favored ones, but for everyone. Realize that your purpose is not your purpose, but His purpose. Give yourself fully to Him; labor for the Lord, making Him known through your words and deeds. Know--and fulfill--your purpose." (#65 Know Your Purpose, p. 134)

~I received this book free from Thomas Nelson through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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