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Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #52

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Finding great bargains at garage sales. Last Saturday, some of the great finds included a Foosball table, a horseshoe game set, a hockey helmet, and PS2 games.

2. My husband must be one of the world's best puppeteers :). He's so funny! He could entertain our 17 yo daughter, 12 yo son, 9 yo son, and me for hours. We laughed and laughed so hard. Better than any TV show!

3. For sandwiches, BLT is okay but BOT and BOM are way better :). BOT = Bacon, saute Onions, Tomatoes; BOM = Bacon, saute Onions, saute Mushrooms. BOOM (add Olives) and BOAT (add Avocado) would be awesome.

4. I was stunned and stoked to find out that I was one of the two grand prize winners for the Facebook party giveaways hosted by Bright Ideas Press. I won WonderMaps and a year of Illuminations (both are downloads).

5. I won the book bundle giveaway that Brooke McGlothlin (the author) hosted on her blog last week. Since I already have the Warrior Prayers ebook (Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most), I asked Brooke if I could give the new one away. She graciously said yes :)! I'd like to bless someone who doesn't have this ebook yet. You can enter my giveaway on my other blog at . The giveaway ends 7/3.


  1. Stopping by from Friday's Fave Five. I LOVE to yard sale there is nothing like a good deal! Congrats on the book bundle giveaway.

  2. Your sandwich combinations sound so tasty, especially the one with avocado!

    I smiled when I read about your husband entertaining you all with puppets. Family laughter is such a blessing!

  3. Wow, congrats on winning TWO give aways this week! Do you have a little lucky charm?

    Enjoy your long weekend. Happy 4th!

  4. Yum- those sandwiches sound delish! How nice that your family can enjoy family time and laughter free from the TV! :o)

  5. Wow, two giveaways! They both sound great. And the garage sale finds are really good.

    The puppet show sounds fun!

    Leave out the mushrooms, avocado, and olives, and I'd be glad to try one of those sandwiches. :-)

  6. I smiled about the puppets. the last two remnants from my boys *very young* toys are two puppets... I give them a little puppet show every night and we all laugh out loud!

    Enjoy the BIP items. What a wonderful prize! I was able to do a review of Wondermaps a few months ago, and it was wonderful for our Ancient Greece studies. We really loved playing with it. This year we are studying Ancient Rome, and I'm sure that we'll be using the Wondermaps again.

    What a lucky week you had! I also love the Warriors - Word for Boys book.

    I apologize for taking so long to make my FFF rounds. We've been so busy!


  7. I love garage sales so I say a hearty Amen to number 1!

  8. Any sandwich with avocado is a sandwich I could go for. Add bacon to that and I'm all over it. Yum.

    What a generous idea to give away the duplicate of what you've won.


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