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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Let's Make Everyday Thanksgiving Day!


Oh precious Father, as we bow
Before Thy throne today,
We count the many blessings
Thou hast showered upon our way.

The comfort of our humble homes
Our health and happiness,
The strength provided for each day
To meet the strain and stress.

We thank Thee for Thy precious Son
Who brought salvation free,
And for this mighty land of ours,
A land of liberty!

So, Lord, help us to give Thee thanks
For all that we hold dear,
Not only on Thanksgiving Day
But each day of the year.

"We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, for Your Name is near; men tell of Your wonderful deeds." Psalm 75:1
"Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song." Psalm 95:2
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:4-5 

This month, I have been posting on my Facebook page each day what I'm thankful for. I think it's so good for me to be intentional about thankfulness everyday. When we focus on having a thankful heart, we are less likely to complain, get upset, be discontent, or have a bad attitude. Try it :)!


  1. Beautiful poem ! Amen! I am thankful every day!Wonderful Post !

  2. Perfect post for Thanksgiving. I agree. We should be thankful every day not just at Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing.


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