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Monday, November 28, 2011


Chris Folmsbee and his team have developed a new digital small group resource called "MissioLife." It is designed to lead adults, youth, and children to actively participate in the mission of God. Its goal is to explore what the Bible says about God, others, ourselves, and the world and put all into action for missional living.

MissioLife focuses on the Body of Christ as faith communities working together to bring hope and healing to the world. It is a multi-generational approach to spiritual growth. Adults, youth, and children can all share in this communal experience together through Breathe (Adult), Image (Youth, grade 7-12), and Rhythms (Children ages 6-12).

The main concepts include the story of God, theology, identity and calling, way of life, and behaviors and expressions. Each year of MissioLife is made up of six (6 week) modules. It's a 4-year journey.
  • Year One – The God of Life: A Story of God’s Redeeming Shalom
  • Year Two – The God Who Would Be King: A Story of God’s Kingdom
  • Year Three – The God of Promise: A Story of God’s People
  • Year Four – The God of New Creation: A Story of God’s Restoration
I received a MissioLife preview kit via the B & B Media Group. It looks very interesting. MissioLife seems to be Biblically-centered, mission-oriented, and family/church-integrated. I'm looking forward to using a module in our Bible study group with international college students this coming Friday.

Are you looking for a small group resource/curriculum that can be used by all ages and is available for easy download? For more information, visit You can download some free lesson samples on the website.

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.

Scot McKnight & Chris Folmsbee from MissioLife on Vimeo.

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