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Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #58

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. CHRISTmas: Celebrating CHRIST's birth with family. I also loved the candlelight service at church. The feast, fellowship, and fun were fabulous, too :). Giving and serving others always bring me joy. I also like seeing my loved ones being happy and surprised by the gifts I pick out  for them.

2. My kids helped bake cookies for our annual Christmas give-away goodies. We enjoyed delivering them (plus my homemade bookmarks) and visiting with our neighbors.

3. My husband has had last Friday and this whole week off. We love having him home with us!

4. Our Top Ten Highlights from 2011 (which includes the slideshow I made that sums up our year in pictures)

5. Relaxing and reading. You can check out my Top Ten Reads of 2011 here.

"Long after the angels disappear into the heavens, the shepherds return to their flocks, the magi journey home, and the great star sets, JESUS remains.
The Child in whom we rediscover God's great love for humanity becomes the adult Redeemer who challenges us to imitate His selflessness and compassion in order that we might transform our world in love. 
May we allow the miracle of CHRISTmas to continue long after the holiday trappings have been packed away. 
May we welcome the adult Messiah and His challenging Gospel to recreate our lives--making the peace, justice, and hope of this holy season a reality in every season of the new year." 
(~Author Unknown)

Have a blessed & Christ-centered New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I need your quote ASAP for IOW! You are hosting NEXT WEEK! Thanks! Loni


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