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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: Mornings with Jesus 2012

About the book:
"Be still and know that I am God.” is one of the most beautiful verses from the Bible, but it’s not easy to practice in this busy world. Mornings with Jesus will help you do just that—“be still” in Jesus’ beautiful and powerful presence. For those who are seeking a deeper experience in their relationship with Christ, Mornings with Jesus offers a fresh perspective of who Jesus is (the Healer, the Son of God, the Comforter, the Good Shepherd) and what that means for day-to-day life. With a warm and friendly voice, 366 short devotional writings on the character and teachings of Jesus encourage readers to greet each day by drawing near to Him and inviting His presence into their day. Spend time with Jesus at the beginning of each day and experience His nearness and peace in a new way throughout the year. Each day’s selection includes: • a Bible verse • an entry based on Jesus: His words, miracles, and parables; His wisdom, compassion, and comfort; His mystery, power, divinity, and humanity • a “faith step” that will inspire and challenge readers to apply the day’s message to their lives
Link to buy the book:  

Spending time with Jesus is the sweetest time of my day (it doesn't have to be only mornings, either). I delight in God's Word; I still get excited whenever I open the Bible. I also enjoy reading devotionals. In fact, I collect devotionals (I currently own about 40). Mornings with Jesus 2012 is a devotional written by several well-known authors: Tricia Goyer, Camy Tang, Judy Baer, Gwen Ford Faulkenberry, Sharon Hinck, Keri Wyatt Kent, and Erin Keeley Marshall. Each day's selection is only one page long. I have read all up to today's date. So favorite entry is from page 22 written by Erin Keeley Marshall. The key verse is 1 John 3:18, "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." As a mother of three (one is a special needs kid), I can totally relate to the exhaustion and the need to be stretched that she talks about. I love what she shares: "However, through the blessings of family, Jesus is growing another blessing in me--the ability to experience Him providing for me as I provide for others....As hard as selfless giving can be, heart growth is a sweet experience. As He blesses me, He is making me a blessing to others." I agree. I sometimes struggle to love like Jesus, but I'm thankful that I get to practice unconditional, selfless love in action everyday :). If you would like daily doses of encouragement this year, check this wonderful devotional out. This book would also make a lovely gift for women in your life.

: You can win a copy of this book. Deadline: 2/14 at midnight (Pacific time)

To Enter: Please leave a comment sharing about your favorite devotional(s), favorite Bible verse(s), or favorite author(s). Make sure you also leave your email address so that I can contact you if you're chosen (randomly) as a winner.

For extra entries
(please leave a separate comment for each one you do):
- Follow this blog via GFC or NetworkedBlogs
- "Like" my page "Christ Alone" on Facebook
- Follow me on Twitter: @treasuredbyGod
- Share the link to this giveaway post on Facebook
- Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter
- Enter my other giveaway here.

~ I received 1 free copy of this book via Litfuse in exchange for my honest review and 1 extra copy for giveaway. To read other reviews of this book, visit here.


  1. Wow, I love this. Great giveaway, I love devotional books. I enjoy reading Guideposts, My Utmost For His Highest. Favorite Bible verse-Phillipians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me. Bless you sweety.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. my name is Lisa Howard Colpo my email is

  4. I love to read Streams by the Desert by L.B. Cowmen. my favorite verse is
    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  5. My favorite devotional is: Our Daily Bread. I am also enjoying Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon.

  6. I forgot to leave my email address earlier:

  7. favorite verse is romans 8:28...mainly bc its the first one i remember my grandmother teaching me bc it was her favorite! jLs582 at yahoo dot com

  8. i follow u on fb as Jessica Melvin jLs582 at yahoo dot com

  9. i also follow you on twitter! (ha...can u tell i really want this? i dont have one!) as @WillowCreekFrm jLs582 at yahoo dot com

  10. Joyce Meyer is my fav,

  11. gfc-Tracie T,

  12. Like you on fb,

  13. Follow you via twitter@sweepswin55,

  14. I have to say that Joyce Meyer is one of my super favorites. would love the book though. Joyce gives it to us straight, and like last night she had me laughing which is something I have needed to do for a long time. Praise the Lord for all of His encouragers, witnesses, etc. Juanita Wickey

  15. Joyce Meyer is wonderful..I have read a couple of her devotional books and love them. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful giveaway..sounds like a beautiful devotional.


  16. Following you via GFC (furygirl3132)


  17. Like Christ Alone on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


  18. Following you on Twitter (furygirl3132)


  19. Shared this giveaway on Facebook (Eloise Bowen Carlson)


  20. I tweeted:!/furygirl3132/status/168731666209193985


  21. I like Our Daily Bread devotionals.

    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com

  22. I'm a new twitter follower.


    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com

  23. I'm a new follower on GFC!

    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com

  24. I love Joyce Meyer's books and devotionals
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  25. follow you on gfc as Robin Scott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  26. like you on fb as Robin Scott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  27. follow you on twitter as robinlscott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  28. tweet!/robinlscott/status/169600921007960064
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  29. I like "My Utmost for His Highest".
    But will be very joyful to win this one.


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