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Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #67

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-

1. I finished reading Miracle for Jen by Linda Barrick. Awesome book! You can read my review and enter a giveaway here.

2. Our whole family had our dental checkup yesterday. No cavities for all of us. Yeah :)!

3. Our daughter got her SAT result yesterday. Her score is 2010! We're so proud of her.

4. I had fun playing UpWords with my youngest son (10). He certainly has a way with words :).

5. On Sunday, we enjoyed Hot Pot and a class of Christianity Explored with the international students. Great food and great discussion! Please pray that they will understand the Gospel clearly and that they will choose Christ.

Bonus: While I was enjoying Hot Pot, I got a tiny fish bone or something sharp stuck on the right side of my throat. It hurt and I couldn't reach it. I prayed and prayed (silently). I'm super thankful that the Lord made it go away and I can swallow without feeling anything there anymore.


  1. A good book and quality time with your son, what could be more wonderful? That family dental check up that ended well perhaps? Yaay for your daughter's good results!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Yay for good SAT Scores!! perhaps a scholarship will follow...I know we could NOT do a private Christian college with out the scholarship they offered our daughter....and praise God that your throat is ok!! That looks like a good book!! enjoy your weekend

  3. Praise the Lord whatever was happening with your throat is better. Pretty scary.

    A good read always makes my favorites list!

    I remember playing games with my kids when they were little. I really enjoyed those times.

  4. I had hot pot for the first time two weeks ago at my daughter's home. It was yummy.

    Isn't God awesome? So glad the bone is gone without the need for a doctor visit.

  5. If you had not been at the workplace of your dentist nearly some months, nothing enjoyable and low-priced is expected for you


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