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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My UBP Story

Ultimate Blog Party 2012
                                            Join me..join me.
                                            Don’t delay.
                                            The Ultimate Blog Party
                                            Is now underway.
                                            What fun it would be
                                            To enjoy visitors
                                            Without cleaning your house
                                            Or dusting furniture.
                                            You can host a party.
                                            You can visit day or night.

                                            You sure will have a ball.
                                            But that is not all.
                                            Oh, no.
                                            That is not all.
                                            Oh, the places you will go
                                            The people you will meet
                                            Imagine the possibilities
                                            How wonderful…how sweet!
                                            Now! Now! Have no doubt.

                                            There are prizes galore.
                                            Everyone is a winner.
                                            Go check it out to know more.
                                            While you are here…
                                            Oh, what do you say?
                                            Leave me a comment.
                                            Let me know if you may.
                                            Hope to see you around.
                                            Hope you’ll come back a lot.
                                            Oh, I can’t imagine…
                                            Why not? :)
I wrote the above poem (Dr. Suess style) when I joined the Ultimate Blog Party in 2007. I have been a faithful participant ever since. This year will be my 6th year. Faithful...but not "successful" :)! You see? My blog is still not famous or well known. It still doesn't have gazillion followers. Here's the amount of comments I received for each year's UBP post.
2007:8 comments; 2008: 6 comments; 2009: 17 comments; 2010: 20 comments; 2011: 15 comments

Nothing impressive. I'm probably the one to be blamed. I don't have time to visit lots of blogs and leave lots of comments. I am thankful for new visitors via UBP and I do take the time to visit those who have left comments. Several said they would be back but I don't think they have come back yet :). Last year, I even participated through all my three blogs (Living for God, Fruitbearers, and My Father's World). Maybe this year will be different. If not, that's okay. I enjoy the party, anyway. And the reason I blog in the first place is not to become well known or well liked but to draw people to make Him known. Soli Deo Gloria!

Ultimate Blog Party 2012


  1. I've been participating for 4 years I think now and I haven't gotten super well known yet either. It's a big sea of blogs but the party makes it seem a little less large. Here's to a great UBP12!

  2. You are so precious, be blessed.

  3. Ha, I'm not famous either. So many of us are too busy to visit and leave comments. Life doesn't stop. :o)

    I love your poem!

    Have a super blessed day!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you're leaving me a comment :). I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again. Although I may not know you, I love you with the love of the Lord. And of course, He loves you very much!