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Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #69

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-

1. I had a wonderful time at the Spring Tea with 2 friends last Saturday. The menu was outstanding :). The table settings were so beautiful, creative, and unique. The message was encouraging. You can see the photos here.

God is beyond awesome! I've seen His fingerprints in my daily life all the time. Way cool! He is a very personal God. He cares about even minor details of my life. I'm speechless...just so overwhelmed with thankfulness in my heart.

3. French wild blueberry preserves on French vanilla ice cream...Delicieux :)!

4. This article (and video): Why We Got Married by Larissa Murphy. Truly beautiful and inspiring! I cried, of course :). You can also visit here to download a free copy of This Momentary Marriage by John Piper.
"The beauty of the covenant-keeping love between Christ and His Church shines brightest when nothing but Christ can sustain." ~John Piper
5. I've been participating in the "A Photo a Day in MAY" challenge on my photo blog at . Fun and challenging :)!


  1. The tea looks and sounds lovely!

    I saw that video earlier this week -- very convicting and inspiring.

    Amen to #2!

  2. I just read the article and will watch the video later in the day. Wow. What a wonderful testimony of love and commitment.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Great list! I love the phrase "God's fingerprints". Thank you.


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