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Monday, November 19, 2012

Embracing Obscurity T-Shirt Giveaway

In October, I posted a book review for Embracing Obscurity by Anonymous. Excellent book! You can read my review here. Now I have an Embracing Obscurity t-shirt to give away :). It will be a great reminder for those who wear and those who see to embrace humble, obscure living for the glory of God.

Size: XL
100% cotton (soft)
Made in Egypt


To Enter: Leave a comment here with your email address. Please share your family tradition(s) for Thanksgiving or for Christmas.
Deadline: Nov. 30th at midnight (Pacific time)

For Extra Entries (please leave a separate comment for each one that you do):
- Follow this blog via GFC or NetworkedBlogs
- "Like" my page "Christ Alone" on Facebook
- Follow me on Twitter: @treasuredbyGod
- Share the link to this giveaway post on Facebook
- Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter

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