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Monday, April 22, 2013

DVD Review and Giveaway: Break Away

Break Away DVD
Releases April 23, 2013

This inspirational film comes from the makers of Faith Like Potatoes and Journey to Grace.

BREAK AWAY synopsis:
Francois is a hard-working husband and dad that gets laid off from his job. None of his efforts to get another job succeed, and he is forced to use what he has, including an old bicycle, in order to provide for his family. With the help of his "black sheep" brother, a bicycle shop owner and a pro-cyclist, Francois makes some life-changing discoveries about his life, career and faith in God.

Although a fictional story, BREAK AWAY, was inspired by true events around the recession that left people without work. The message brings hope and offers practical and Biblical solutions in a very entertaining way.

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My Review:
The setting is South Africa. The movie is based on actual events and experiences of the film crew and their friends. The main character, Francois Fouche loses his job (marketing manager) because his company goes bankrupt. He's afraid to tell his family; he keeps his wife and two children in the dark for 4 months. He's desperate to make ends meet so he seizes an unexpected opportunity to become a delivery man using his bicycle. His motto is "If I can't deliver it on time, it's free." His work ethic (he's known to be fast, reliable, & friendly) and passion inspire people. However, he himself gets really stressed, discouraged, and depressed at times (he's unable to make payments on his home loan, his job proposals are rejected again and again, etc.). His brother and his new friend, Eli, who is the owner of a bike shop, encourage and equip him as he (a former rugby player) tries to train for a cycling competition. He's determined to win the race because he wants to inspire others not to lose hope but to stand up again. He believes that with God, anything is possible.

The movie moves at a slow pace and it's 155 minutes long. It's a low budget film and the film crew consisted of only 7 members and 15 students and volunteers so please don't expect a Hollywood quality :). There's some humor here and there which helps relieve the tension. I enjoyed all the beautiful scenery and the music used in this film. I think cycling enthusiasts would enjoy this DVD. The main theme is about hope and faith. The message is: Never give up your dreams/never give up on life and use what you've got & place it in Jesus' hands & watch Him multiply (remember what He did with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish). The special features on the DVD include behind the scenes, cycling talk, music, the ministry of Jacob's Well, and bloopers. If you're going through a tough time such as unemployment and/or financial difficulties, please don't lose heart. Check out this faith-based film and be encouraged to keep pressing on and trusting God for His plan and purpose!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the trailer.

GIVEAWAY: You can win a copy of this DVD.
: 5/10 at midnight (Pacific time)

To Enter:
Leave a comment here with your email address. Please share what you are passionate about or which Bible verse(s) encourages you or gives you hope when you're discouraged.

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~ I received a free copy of this DVD via Blogger Gateway in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Hope to win this, it appears to be a story to bless the hearts of others. Thank you.


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