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Friday, June 21, 2013

Dead Faith

- Fake faith/false faith that does not demonstrate in works is not a saving faith. A faith that does not care about the needs of others isn't faith at all. Anyone can claim to have "faith"/claim to be a "Christian" but that doesn't mean he/she is saved, born again, and follow Christ.
- Works (deeds, action) do not and cannot save us, but works demonstrate that we are saved (good works should be manifested in our lives because we are saved).
- James is not contradicting Paul's teaching of salvation by grace through faith alone. Paul confronted those who wanted salvation by something they did while James confronted those who wanted salvation without doing anything.
- Faith without fruit is dead, useless, and unacceptable. Authentic, saving, living faith bears good fruit. Belief that doesn't transform your life is "dead" faith; a transformed life results in good works.
- Your faith and your words are worth nothing if you do nothing to help those in need. Saying is not doing. Walk the talk! Behave what you believe!
- James gives us a test here to evaluate ourselves: Are we genuinely saved? and Are we living like we are saved (is our faith accompanied by action)? You may have heard this before but I think it's a great reminder: "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

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