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Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #86

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:

1. Excited about my new (new to me) Life Application Study Bible I bought at Goodwill and
my new highlighters (6 vibrant colors on sale)!. I enjoy using highlighters when I read my Bible. You can tell which Bibles have been through my hands...worn, torn, and colorful. God's Word is truly a delight to me! I'm so thankful for God's Word (and highlighters, too :))!

2. Our family had a blast at Mt. Hood Ski Bowl Adventure Park on Monday. Scenic Sky Chairs. 1/2 Mile Alpine Slide (numerous times). Human Hamster Ball (Zorb Ball). 9 Hole Mini Golf. Summer Tube Hill. Bungee Trampoline. The weather was perfectly beautiful, too .

3. Fresh green beans given to us by one of our neighbors. I stir-fried them with garlic, maple syrup, and garlic butter. So yummy!

4. Free ebooks (free at the time of this posting):
In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life by Sinclair Ferguson and Sweat, Blood, & Tears: What God Uses to Make a Man by Xan Hood.

5. Have I told you how much I love DVD Swap :)? This week we've mailed out 8 DVDs. We'll be receiving 9 credits (one lady gave me 2 credits for the DVD that she sent to me but she wanted it back :)). We've saved lots of money by swapping the DVDs we no longer want for the DVDs we want.


  1. a DVD swap sounds fun! When my daughters were little we used to host a video swap...kind of like a video library, with our much fun! YAY for fun family days and for fresh green beans..we enjoyed those from the Farmers Market this week. Have a wonderful weekend using your new Bible and highlighters (I'm the same with the highlighting!!)

  2. That adventure park sounds like a ton of fun!

    I have never thought to put maple syrup in my beans. I'll have to give that a try this weekend with the beans I got at the farmer's market. Sounds delicious1

  3. The adventure park sounds like a lot of fun.

    I love sauteed fresh green beans, but I had never thought of using syrup on them, either.

    The DVD swap sounds like a great idea.

  4. I knew about book swaps but not the DVD swaps. Great idea!
    Mt. Hood!! I do miss gazing daily at that beautiful mountain.


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