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Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #92

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story)

My Fave Five this week:
1. I had a wonderful time at the Chinese New Year celebration on Saturday at George Fox University. Great food. Great performances. And great company.

2. I have been in a Haiku mood. I've enjoyed writing one or more Haiku every day. I post them on Facebook and on my Coram Deo Daily blog. Here's one of them:

God's law: God's mirror
Reveals that we're flawed and lost
We need a Savior

God's grace: God's rescue
Declares us righteous in Christ
Redeemed and made new

3. I love this testimony of Scott Hamilton. I've always liked him and I'm so glad he is one of my brothers in Christ. Yeah!

4. Two excellent articles about following Jesus by living and giving radically...
here and here.

5. I like this quote by Joni Eareckson Tada: "People are only as secure as the source of their security; if we are secure in Christ, then we have every reason to be confident." I also love the song "Alone Yet Not Alone" sung by her. It was nominated for Oscar but later got rescinded.

You can read my review of The Marriage You've Always Wanted by Gary Chapman and enter a giveaway at . I highly recommend this book! Ends 2/28. Low entries!


  1. Those are very nice Haikus!

    I love Scott's testimony.

  2. Great quote and song by Joni. I didn't know that the song was nominated for an Oscar. What movie clip is running with the song, do you know?

    I'd like to practice more radical fasting and hospitality. Thanks for the article which prompted me to think more about these things.

    Have a great week.


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