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Monday, March 3, 2014

Book Review: Prone to Love by Jason Clark

Are you confident in God's love? Do you feel secure in your relationship with God? Are you still striving to earn grace? The author is a man who knows with certainty that he is loved by God and whose life has been transformed by God's love. He wants to encourage readers to embrace and experience this powerful, profound, perfect love of God. Jason Clark sums up his theology into 2 sentences: "God is love. God is always good." This book dares you to discover God's love in a deeper way and aims to help you live in a radical revelation of your Father's love. The author addresses the issues of need vs. love and control vs. love.

Are you struggling with your identity? The author invites you to look at yourself and the world through God's eyes. Do you see yourself as God sees you? You must. It will make a difference on how you act/how you live. The author believes that in Christ, we're no longer prone to wander, but prone to love, instead. Throughout the whole book, he shines a spotlight on the measureless, magnificent magnitude of God's unconditional love for us. Check out this refreshing read and learn to rest assured & secured in your Heavenly Daddy's love! Let's live in God's love, live a life of love, and leave a legacy of love!

"Knowing His love is the key to living fully free, a life of faith, a life where every dream is available and every impossibility is made possible." (p. 47)
"Life is about knowing His good love and then knowing more; it's about becoming sure." (p. 111)
"His goodness and His love will follow us all the days of our lives and will never be measured or determined by our circumstances." (p. 121)
"Mercy and grace are two sides of the same coin working perfectly together to reveal the fullness of His love--the whole story. Mercy covers sin, grace releases identity. Mercy sets us free, grace empowers us to become how He sees us. Mercy redeems, grace transforms." (p. 182)

~ I received a free copy of this book via The Book Club Network in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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