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Sunday, April 6, 2014

DVD Review: My Name Is Paul

My Name Is Paul is an apocalyptic adaptation of the Apostle Paul in the Bible who started out as a fierce persecutor of Christians. Filled with hatred, Paul who is the best (and perhaps the most ruthless) agent of The World (government), intends to capture (and kill, if necessary) those who follow The Way (Jesus Christ). His new assignment is to find Peter (the enemy of his leader) and get a map of salt mine. However, a car accident changes the course of his life. He's blinded by the bright light and hears the Voice from Heaven. After a miraculous healing, Paul follows The Way and shares the truth about The Way boldly no matter what the cost. He comes to realize that God's Word is the map to guide us and we are to be salt of the earth. Paul was blind but now he sees! My Name Is Paul is an interesting faith-based film with a strong message about God's redemption and forgiveness. No one is beyond God's grace! It's also about standing firm for Christ through persecution and about loving everyone, even our enemies.

It stars Michael Joiner of The Grace Card and Shannen Fields of Facing the Giants. It's a small budget film so please don't expect a Hollywood quality :). My Name Is Paul has enough action stuff that kept my husband's attention and interest. I especially love the little girl, Clare, in the movie. She is sweet and she explains The Way in a simple way with only 5 symbols. This film has been awarded the Dove "Family-Approved" Seal for ages 12 and up. The running time is 100 minutes.

~I received a free copy of this DVD via Edify Media, Inc. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Sound like a very thought provoking movie. Popping over from UBC

  2. I've never heard of this film. I find a lot of biblical very dry. Is this like that?

  3. Thanks heaps for this recommendation! Looks like a date with my life group soon with popcorn and Paul!


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