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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Worship God Only!

- In his third attempt of testing /tempting Jesus in the wilderness, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world with their splendor if Jesus would bow down and worship him. What a blasphemy! What a display of extreme arrogance! Bowing before Satan is to acknowledge the devil's lordship. Satan showed his true desire to replace God/his open hostility to God. He's not content to be worshiped by people; he dared to seek adoration from the Son of God. Jesus immediately rejected his proposal with these words, "Away from Me, Satan! For it is written, 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.'" (verse 10) 
- Satan was determined to thwart Jesus's mission/to distract Jesus from fulfilling God's plan to save the world. He still tries to distract God's children from following God's plan and purpose for their lives...from worshiping and serving God.
- "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" (Matthew 16:26-27) Preserve your soul from the wiles of the Enemy. Worship, serve, and obey God only no matter what with no compromise! Recognize that any deal from Satan is a bad deal. Know God's Word and apply it. Hide God's Word in your heart so that you might not sin against God and will be able to reject any lies from Satan. One of Satan's tricks is: tempting us with what the world has to offer. Another one of his schemes is: steering us toward self-centeredness, self-sufficiency, self-importance, self-love, and self-satisfaction.

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